Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sugar Fiesta: A Quick Thought on the "Accountability Partner"

So, as I have mentioned in other posts, I have been struggling a bit lately.  Emily and the kids have been out of town for a few weeks now, and the other day, as I spoke with my wife on the telephone, she informed me that she believed that she felt I had been throwing some kind of multi-day "Sugar Fiesta" while she was gone.  I, she informed me, was the only one I had invited to this little party, and it was doing me no good.  I told her she was wrong, and then she asked me to go to tell her what I had in the refrigerator.  I refused to tell her, exercising my Fifth Amendment rights.

The fact is, I have found it very hard to live alone, as I am now doing with my family out west.  While I have found that having an "accountability partner" is good, it is probably good not to be codependent upon that accountability partner.  Ultimately, I have found that having a zealous accountability partner as I do in my wife is a double-edged sword.  When she is around, I have allowed my decisions to be based perhaps too much on what she expects and perhaps too little on what is best for me. When she is not around, I feel little responsibility to myself, hence the fiesta.

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