Thursday, October 13, 2011


So, I have been exploring new exercise options.  A few weeks ago, I decided to take up swimming.  I really enjoy swimming and the water, but it is hard work.  I have also found that I hate, hate, HATE to have water in my ears, or up my nose, or in my eyes.  So, after trying swimming out one time, I had to make a trip over to the local sports store to get goggles, ear plugs, and a little contraption to keep my nose plugged.  (I tend to do this when I start new hobbies or activities.  Emily accuses me of spending more money on supplies needed than time engaging the activity itself.  That is only somewhat true.  For example, when I took up drawing, I bought myself a set of nice pencils, some good, high quality paper, a good eraser, a very nice pencil sharpener, and a nice light to do my work on.  Emily scoffed, but you should see how well I can draw a sphere!) 

Anyway, with my new equipment, no water will get into any orifice of my body!  The guy at the sports store told me if I was "serious" about swimming, I really needed a swimming cap and a Speedo, but, despite making a spectacle of myself while running, I was not really up adding a Speedo to the spandex.  Plus, I already look like a compete idiot with the goggles that I can't ever seem to get to stay on my head, the orange neon wax in my ears, and the little nose plugger on my nose.

Now that I have actually started swimming, I have discovered that it is actually really hard work.  I pretty much do the side stroke, which is a wimpy stroke I know, but I just don't have the stamina for much other than one lap of the breast stroke.  I am sure, over time, I will work up to it.  In the mean time, it is a nice option to add to running.

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