Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I'm Baaaaaack

So, I was looking at the blog today and noticed that I haven't posted anything since April 28.  That is pretty sad.  Of course, I have been in the process of selling the house, going on an amazingly awesome vacation to Florida and the Bahamas, looking for new living quarters 2400 miles away (not a simple task, but much easier with the Internet), shifting from one job in my office to another job in my office in anticipation of taking another job in my office, dealing with the apparently substantial stress all of the above have caused for my daughters (who have literally transformed themselves from loving angels to Tasmainian devils in the last few weeks).  Oh, and I have decided to start training for a half-marathon. 

Diet-wise, I cannot tell a lie.  All of these factors have caused me to lose my edge.  The lifestyle has slowly broken down over time, particularly with that all-you-can-eat soft serve ice cream machine on the Disney Dream.  Cruises really are ridiculous.  Anyway, while I may have lost my edge, I have not lost my desire.  I still have been working out and, while I have gained a few pounds, I have gotten back on the wagon, as it were. 

What, you ask?  How much did I gain?  Come on, people, this isn't the Jerry Springer show.  The fact is, I am back and badder than ever.  Life is stressful, but I am reminded of something Benjamin Franklin said as the Constitution of the United States was being signed.  George Washington, the President of the Constitutional Convention, had sat at the front of room where the founding fathers met in Independence Hall.  On the chair upon which General Washington sat was a painting of the sun.  Franklin told some of men near him that it was always difficult for painters to show the difference between the rising sun and the setting sun. He said that during the convention he had often looked at sun painted on that chair and wondered "...whether it was rising or setting.  But now at length I have the happiness to know that it is a rising and not a setting sun."

As I look upon my life, I have nothing but happiness.  And, even though I am currently in the middle of what I think could safely be called a complete mess, I know that upon me, the sun is rising, not setting.

1 comment:

Emily Merchant said...

Glad you are back. Appreciate your sentiments. I truly believe it is rising. Just hope it comes up soon.