Thursday, July 28, 2011

Adios to the Gym

Well, today I canceled my membership at XSports Fitness.  This is the gym that I have done most of my workouts at, and although I have complained plenty about it, I have to admit it wasn't that bad of a place to work out.  I admit I will miss all of those motivational posters with people that are beyond happy engaging in jump roping, shadow boxing, and spinning.  I will miss rolling my eyes at the trainers who charge $50 an hour, but then spend half of that time texting instead of paying attention to their clients.  And yes, I admit I will miss spending an hour of my day with my fellow muscle men (I never did get accepted into their little club), wishing I had their physique while being able to still eat donuts. 

There is, however, one thing I will not miss.  I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever miss.  And that is the old naked men in the locker room who for some bizarre reason do not think they need to cover themselves up.  That, my friends, I will never miss.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's been almost 2 months!! update please.