Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Do You Get High Eating Fatty Foods?

I can't remember if I told everyone or not, but I was travelling the United States last week by car.  As a result, I did not have a lot of time to write.  Sorry about the inconsistency lately, but it has been hard to focus while trying to move the family from one end of the country to another.  In total, I drove through 14 states and went I don't know how many miles.  I saw some amazing things though, including a large semi-truck filled with pigs.  I admit I wondered how many pounds of bacon those pigs were about to make. 

Anyway, I read this story from Well when I got back into town on how researchers have found that when we eat fatty foods, our bodies can begin producing endocannabinoids.  Endocannabinoids (which is, by the way, a really good word to say out loud--seriously, don't be fearful of how long it is, it sounds exactly the way it looks and is a wonderful word to add to your general vocabulary) are similar to the chemicals produced when using marijuana.  The amazing thing is that the second the fat touches our taste buds the endocannabinoids are released.  These chemicals, in turn, affect our moods and our cravings.  The conclusion:  “we have this evolutionary drive to recognize fat, and when we have access to it, to consume as much as we possibly can.”

At least now I know why I cannot eat just one chocolate chip cookie, or have just one piece of pie, or drink just one sip of a milkshake.  I guess everyone has to be good at something, and I am apparently an amazing endocannabinoid maker.

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