Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Okay, I just wanted to share an excerpt from an email I received this morning.  It should confrm what I have said about the skinniness epidemic in Boise.  Below is an actual email from an actual reader:
Read the blog. Googled fat people in boise hoping to send encouraging pictures... But I couldn't fine any either. However, there is a bar in boise called Fatty's... One can only hope you can find our kind there.
There you have it folks, confirmation that I am right about fat people in Boise.  We simply don't have them (or, at least, we didn't have them until I arrived).  This person, who happens to be my sister, used THE #1 reliable source on the planet Earth for finding things:  Google.  And what did she find?  No one.  Not one fat person.  I am really, really hoping it has something to do with the water....

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