Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Skinny on Obesity

Okay, I was flipping through Flipboard the other day and this video caught my eye.  It is called The Skinny on Obesity (I know, corny name).  Despite the name, the series (there are seven 6 to 12 minute sections) is really, really good.  It provides a great explanation of sugar's effect on our bodies, and how sugar has essentially started a world-wide evolution of how our bodies function.  According to these experts, the old adage that "a calorie is a calorie" is completely wrong, and that recent research has shown that a calorie from sugar is 50 times more potent than other types of calories. 

I can't say this is a life-changing YouTube video for me, but I will say this:  It will make you think about what you are doing whenever you eat sugar.

Plus, to me, the idea that biochemistry has helped create obesity--and that the "industrial food complex" is to blame--brings both solace to my soul and a convenient scapegoat for my anger and frustration.  Frankly, there is nothing better than to blame someone else for your problems!

So, if you are interested at all in biochemistry as a reason for why you are fat, you should really watch the entire series by the University of California, but if you are short on time, the video below (part 4 of the series) is on sugar addiction and is particularly interesting.  Enjoy!

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